Welcome to the ThinkerSpace! We are currently open:
Tuesday 6:00PM – 9:00PM
Thursday 6:00PM – 9:00PM
Saturday 10:30AM – 3:00PM
And by appointment.
We are equipped with an Epilog Helix 45W CO2 laser engraver, an Aeon Mira 9 100W CO2 laser, and a 30W fiber laser.

Two AnyCubic 3D printers (Vyper and Mega X)

A vinyl cutter and three workstations.

One workstations is equipped with CorelDraw and Adobe CS3 design studio for graphics design and engraving prep. Another is configured for CAD and slicing of 3D models. The third station is in progress and will be used for audio recording and music production.
We have a few musical instruments, podcast mic, as well as a mini photography studio, two DJI drones for aerial photography, and a wide assortment of craft supplies for drawing, painting, felting, quilling, soap/candle making, miniatures.
In addition there is a wall of mechanical and electronic parts for tinkering! As well as an wide assortment of books, and board games we have made available to use.

Come on over and explore, learn, and share your talents!
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