After a little bit of practice with the vinyl cutter we received a request to make a couple of car magnets.
The customer sent us their business card design.

We then drafted several designs based on the original for how it could look as a car magnet.

I then focused on the most complex elements and ran a test to see how complex layering different colored vinyl might be.

My first attempt at layering, not too bad but I had some adhesion issues. To transfer vinyl to the magnet a transfer tape is used to keep all the little bits in place.

Once I was comfortable with the transfer and layering process. I was going to go for a two color/layer version. But my wife convinced me to go all in and do the four color version.

And there it is! Not bad for a first try. The biggest issue I had was bubbles under the green layer. I tried the soap water trick to keep the vinyl from instantly sticking and give me some time to adjust the position before squeegeeing it down. But I used too much water and it became trapped behind the vinyl. I read a tip online that the bubbles will go down after a few days so after checking with the customer we waited a week and the bubbles did indeed go down.

Thank you so much Upstate Lawn professionals for entrusting us to make these signs and giving us a chance to learn something new! Please give them a call if you are in need of their services!
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